Saturday, December 19, 2009

Scarf Update

What I have accomplished in the last 2 days of knitting. I am now, as you can see below, at 49.3% completion on the scarf. And he didn't think it'd be done in time for Christmas. Silly man.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dr. Who Scarf

So my man decided a little bit ago that he wanted a Dr. Who Scarf. You know like the one the 4th Dr. wore.

Like this.

I started about 2 weeks ago and then had to stop as I didn't have one of the colors I needed. At that time I was only at

Yesterday we got the last color I needed to continue and today I am

I'll keep you updated as we progress and let you know where I am. Perhaps eventually you'll get pictures. However if you're an old reader of this blog you'll know what kind of promise that is.